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Adin Ross On The Way To Visit Andrew Tate In Jail!

Private life
August 3, 2023

For weeks Cobra brothers are in Romanian prison, waiting for some kind of resolution. During this period Andrew’s Twitter account is posting constantly, mainly typical Tate macho quotations.

But yesterday Andrew posted something so interesting that it caused 25.1M views! 

Adin immediately answered the call! He is on his way to Romania. Adin posted a youtube video caption “I’m going to visit Andrew Tate in jail!” As he said, after seeing Andrew’s post, it put the biggest smile on his face. People could see satisfaction and pride caused by this invitation. 

Adin describes his affection towards Cobra, saying Andrew took him in, showed him nothing but love and respect. And not just to him, but also to other peers around him. 

He talked about the support he got from Tate, “ …Andrew’s always  being open arms and loving”, said Adin in the video.

Sneako’s reaction!

Sneako, a well known Tates follower and friend, commented on this situation. According to Sneako, this is a very logical and tactical move made by Andrew. He underlines the fact Andrew is a chess player, and emphasizes this is one of his moves against the Matrix.

Adin is a good choice for making Cobras' image positive. This young influencer is well connected to the youth, to the younger audience, and if Andrew got him on his side it could be very helpful for Tate’s position at the moment.

Sneako is curious what a jail vlog will look like, and how it’s gonna be made. 

Although there is a small possibility this video or interview  will ever be made, the attention it got is already huge!

Maybe Andrew really saw the opportunity to profit from Adin’s reach and influence, but we can’t dispute the fact they love each other and support each other during hard times.

As Cobra showed Adin nothing but unconditional love and encouragement, now Adin is rushing to Romania to reassure and support his hero in this bad time.

Soon we’ll find out how this visit went through!